Orest Kiprensky, Portrait of Alexander Pushkin (1827) Painting Poster
Please note, we also sell a framed version of this poster here on RUS & SOV.
About the Painting
Orest Kiprensky's 1827 painting, Portrait of Alexander Pushkin (Russian: Портрет А.С. Пушкина), is widely considered the best depiction of the great - no, the greatest - of Russian poets.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin lived 1799-1837 and is known as the grandfather of Russian literature. Author of the poems "Ruslan and Lyudmila," "Poltava," and "The Bronze Horseman," the epic novel in verse "Eugene Onegin," the great prose works, "The Queen of Spades," "The Captain's Daughter," as well as many other works, it is from upon the shoulders of Pushkin that the subsequent great Russian literary tradition flourished.
For the portrait of this illustrious writer and personal friend, Kiprensky chose a static composition reminiscent of antique busts, thereby comparing Pushkin with the great poets of the past. The energetic "Napoleonic" pose, the gaze directed past the viewer into the endless distance, give the poet's figure some monumentality. The background around the head is slightly lightened, creating a martyr's halo-like glow. In the background there is a statuette of a muse - a nod to Pushkin's poetic vocation and perhaps protection of the gods. A tartan cloak is thrown over Pushkin's shoulder, which would have reminded contemporary viewers of George Byron, the then preeminent poetic genius of Europe.
While the testament of time has now long since concluded that this special portrait of Pushkin is the most successful depiction there is, Pushkin himself also adored the painting. Pushkin had the portrait hung in his office and kept its ownership within his family. On top of that, he wrote Kiprensky these warm words of thanks.
Light-winged fashion lover,
Though not British, not French
You created again, dear wizard,
Me, a pet of pure muses, -
And I laugh at the grave
Gone forever from mortal bonds.
I see myself as in a mirror
But this mirror flatters me.
It says that I will not humiliate
Addictions of important aonids.
So Rome, Dresden, Paris
My appearance will be known henceforth.Любимец моды легкокрылой,
Хоть не британец, не француз,
Ты вновь создал, волшебник милый,
Меня, питомца чистых муз, –
И я смеюся над могилой,
Ушед навек от смертных уз.
Себя как в зеркале я вижу,
Но это зеркало мне льстит.
Оно гласит, что не увижу
Пристрастья важных аонид.
Так Риму, Дрездену, Парижу
Известен впредь мой будет вид.
Original Painting

Poster Quality
Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment.
Please note, all poster sizes are in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm).
• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil
• Paper weight: 5.57 oz/y² (189 g/m²)
• Giclée printing quality
• Opacity: 94%